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Cloud Security Assessment
identify, understand, and prevent security breaches

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Proactive, Failsafe Planning for Cloud Computing Security

Some of the largest retailers, healthcare organizations and government agencies have experienced the pain of a critical data breach within the last year.

While these kinds of catastrophic events put everyone on edge, even a seemingly minor data breach can result in insurmountable loss to revenue and reputation. The good news is that most data breaches are opportunity-driven. Therefore, a stringent cloud security assessment such as those offered by leading cloud service providers can identify and address infrastructure weaknesses early on – before they become front-page news.

The HOSTING Cloud Computing Security Assessment Service™ offers complete and verified analysis of the entire IT environment to prepare for unforeseen threats – without unnecessary investment in hardware or software.

HOSTING offers choice of two cloud security assessments tailored to your unique business needs:

Security Threat Exposure Assessment

Our security experts review eight critical areas of cloud computing security exposure. We provision our proprietary Security Assessment Scorecard to identify key weaknesses in an organization’s infrastructure.

Specific Threat Assessment

We engage in a deep-dive evaluation of an organization’s self-identified top priority threat areas. Our analysts then provide a detailed report outlining specific exposures along with the cloud computing security solutions necessary.

While there is considerable concern regarding IT security in the Cloud, most security breaches can easily be prevented. However, even a small incident can lead to severe consequences such as revenue loss, intellectual property loss, or a damaged reputation. With HOSTING’s Security Assessment Services, you can ensure that your organization is prepared for unforeseen threats and avoids future breaches.

Build a Solid Enterprise Security Position

We start with a comprehensive review of your architecture to identify the easy openings you’re providing for attackers. Next, we test all the critical areas of your infrastructure and perform a thorough review of your policies, procedures, and controls. Then, our professionals collaborate with your internal teams to address the issues identified and help you avoid future breaches.

two security Assessment options:

Threat Exposure Assessment
A preliminary review of the nine critical areas of exposure. The Security Assessment Scorecard provides a visual map to efficiently address found issues.

Specific Threat Assessment
A deep-dive evaluation of your top priority threat areas. A detailed report outlines specific exposures along with the corrective actions needed.

According to Verizon’s 2012 global study on cyber-Security


Of security victims were targets of opportunity


Of security incidents were discovered by a third party


Of breaches took weeks or more to discover

security assessment scorecard

The Security Assessment Scorecard provides a visual map to improve the security of your company. You’ll see how your organization’s perception of enterprise security compares to reality. And, you’ll know the steps you need to take to reduce your organization’s vulnerability and successfully repel attacks.

Security Assessment Services Address Nine Critical Areas:

  1. Digital footprint analysis: Identifies areas of potential data “leakage.”
  2. External network testing: Identifies gaps and areas of breach opportunity.
  3. External application testing: Identifies weaknesses within your applications.
  4. Internal network testing: Validates internal controls and security – 50% or more of breaches originate within the enterprise.
  5. Internal application testing: Tests access controls of sensitive data and permissions across applications.
  6. Social engineering and physical assessment: Analysis of social engineering vulnerability and physical access control. In 2011, 30% of breaches involved some type of physical access breach.
  7. Emerging threats: Personalized assessment of emerging threats, how they may affect you, and steps to reduce exposure.
  8. Review policies, procedures, and controls: Includes a gap analysis against industry best practices with recommendations for enforcement and control of policies.
  9. Wireless assessment: Inventory of wireless access points and identification of rogue wireless devices.*

Bottom-line Benefits:

  • Eliminate 90% or more of security exposures
  • Prevent breaches due to social engineering
  • Ensure appropriate physical access controls
  • Enhance policies, procedures, and controls
  • Comply with PCI, HIPAA, and NERC requirements
  • Increase customer confidence
  • Prevent revenue loss and reputation damage

The HOSTING Difference

HOSTING is a leading provider of managed Cloud services for mission-critical applications. With a unique lifecycle approach and the industry’s best team, HOSTING helps organizations design, build, migrate, manage, and protect their Cloud-based environments.

Features & Benefits:


  • Security assessment options to address broad-based threats or evaluate an organization’s self-identified, “top priority” threats
  • Testing, analysis and evaluation of eight critical security areas
  • Proprietary cloud computing security assessment and toolset
  • Security assessments conducted by HOSTING security and compliance experts


  • Complete and verified analysis of the entire IT environment to prepare for unforeseen threats without unnecessary hardware or software investments
  • Pinpoint and address specific threat vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently
  • Security controls align with those required to achieve HIPAA compliance and PCI compliance
  • 24 x 7 x 365 expert support

How It Works:

Our propriety Cloud Security Assessment Framework includes the following steps:

  • Testing – Our cloud computing security experts thoroughly assess an organization’s infrastructure to pinpoint any possible pockets of vulnerability.
  • Review – We analyze current security processes, procedure documentation and internal controls as well as adherence by staff, vendors and contractors.
  • Collaboration — Our close partnership with internal teams and other stakeholders allows us to prioritize and address identified issues.


Download the Cloud Security Assessment Datasheet (PDF).


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