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Professional Services
Your Guide to Cloud Success

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Professional Services
Professional Services
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The need to grow, innovate and compete has driven IT leaders to adopt advanced hosting solutions at an unprecedented rate.

However, many of them move to the cloud without mapping out how they will manage and protect their critical data assets once they are there.

HOSTING Advanced Solutions leverages the experience gained from thousands of client engagements to provide organizations like yours with a solid foundation for growth and agility. From early assessment and planning through cloud migration, ongoing optimization and Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL database services, our professional hosting services address each organization’s unique business needs, enable increased benefits realization, and support long-term growth.

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration Move to the cloud with confidence. Our experts will collaborate with you to determine goals and evaluate current infrastructure. Based on this information, we’ll provide a customized roadmap to the cloud that considers impact on uptimes, data security and resource allocation. Then we execute your migration to the cloud — quickly and securely.

Disaster Recovery Services

Disaster Recovery Services Develop a robust failsafe plan. The HOSTING team analyzes applications, availability requirements, and recovery objectives to deliver an end-to-end disaster recovery plan. We prepare, implement, update and test the plan so the critical infrastructure meets business continuity requirements at a fraction of the cost of traditional disaster recovery services.

Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud Security Assessment Optimize performance and stability. By thoroughly analyzing your organization’s systems and collaborating with your internal teams, HOSTING will identify opportunities to fine-tune infrastructure performance and build a solid security position. From there, we’ll offer advanced hosting solutions including best practice recommendations and a customized long-term roadmap for storage stability, data security and business efficiency.

Database Administration

Database Administration Let us monitor and support your business-critical applications. Supplementing in-house IT staff, our team of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL database administration experts can be deployed remotely or on-site to ensure 24 x 7 x 365 monitoring and proactive protection of your business-critical applications and databases.

Cloud Desktop Services

Cloud Desktop Services HOSTING cloud desktop services free organizations from the burden of constant IT infrastructure updates and spend. By leveraging our virtual desktop infrastructure, your entire organization will be able to access its critical files and applications from any device at any location at any time.

Application Services

Application Services HOSTING advanced hosting solutions include top-tier support for Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint. Our experts configure, manage and monitor Exchange and SharePoint instances to create seamlessly productive and collaborative workplace environments that are, above all, accessible and secure.

Cloud Readiness Assessment

Cloud Readiness Assessment HOSTING cloud experts collaborate with IT teams to assess their technology environments, maximize asset utilization and refine their vision for the cloud. Our Cloud Readiness Assessment provides a clear, objective roadmap for successfully implementing a cloud solution based upon a thorough analysis of an organization’s current technology environment, business cycles and strategic direction.