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Microsoft SQL Server Database Services

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HOSTING Supports Microsoft SQL Server

HOSTING offers Microsoft SQL Server Database Management for high availability to our customers. This innovative solution ensures that your business-critical applications remain up, running and completely secure if an outage occurs at your primary production location.

Bypassing the need for a full-time database administrator (DBA), our team collaboratively architects the ideal Microsoft SQL Server database structure based on your organization’s specific needs. Then, we provide the expertise needed to implement and support the highly available MSSQL infrastructure — all without adding extra resources or workload.

Our Microsoft SQL Services include:

  • Assessment Services
  • DBA OnDemand Database Consulting Services
  • Remote DBA Database Managed Services
  • Application and Database Performance as a Service
  • Customized Architecture

To architect the ideal high availability Microsoft SQL Server database structure, our database experts ask the right questions to understand your specific application needs. The team then creates logical, physical data models from those business requirements. The end result is a scalable platform that can be used for many years without major changes.

We pride ourselves in delivering world-class DBA experts that will never give notice or take a vacation. Our DBAs average more than 15 years in their fields, and can be used as needed to augment your internal team, alleviate unmanageable burdens and prevent burnout – all at a very affordable price.

Microsoft SQL Server Database Management is backed by HOSTING’s 24 x 7 x 365 service team and the intuitive interface of our Customer Portal. Further, the industry’s top database service desk personnel staff our database operations center all times of the day and night – ready to provide top-tier support and assistance at the touch of a button.

Features & Benefits:


  • Expert SQL server database management services, including DBA OnDemand database consulting and Remote DBA managed services
  • Staff of certified DBAs with an average of 15+ years of experience in Microsoft SQL Server


  • Requirements met safely and securely and, as needed, in line with all related compliance requirements (e.g., HIPAA, SOX, PCI, etc.)
  • HOSTING assessment methodologies deployed to ensure Microsoft SQL Server databases are performing optimally
  • HOSTING expert DBAs work diligently to identify, isolate and resolve database issues before business operations are affected
  • 24 x 7 x 365 expert support


HOSTING Products
Managed Hosting Services
Managed Hosting Services
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